Rights based awareness meeting organized by Mittrika Association

Mittrika is a NGO organization providing development services which is approved by the NGO Bureau. A Right Based Awareness meeting of 20 Dalit backward community youth and women’s rights was held in Manikkhali Das Para. The organization is working with 160 youth and women in 8 groups in 4 unions in Laksh Shyamnagar upazila for human rights protection, development of law support. Rights-based awareness meeting was held among 20 youth and women of Shafla group of slave community of Oryar No. 5. has been Program Manager Ambia Sultana Field Organizer Yamuna Munda. Besides Dalit Backward Community Doyal Dal members were present. They say we are deprived of various services. Let us know about various services through the organization, distribution of gourd seedlings among farmers in agricultural adaptation to climate change. Ambia Sultana, Program Manager of Mittrika Social Development Institute, conducted the entire program.

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