Mittrika organization is working on child health protection and child rights

Mittrika Non-Governmental Organizations providing developmental services which are approved by
NGO Bureau. The discussion was held in the school hall. The discussion meeting was attended by the
head teacher of the school Bablu Rahman, assistant teacher Rabiul Islam, Amena Khatun, program
manager of the Mittrika organization, field organizer Sumaya Khatun, etc. Amena Khatun, the program
manager of the Mittrika organization, said that children are the future of the nation. It is necessary to
protect the rights and dignity of the child. In order to establish and protect children’s rights, the
Constitution of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh has laid emphasis on providing basic needs, equal
opportunities, including free and compulsory primary education in the principles of state governance.
Bangladesh was one of the first 22 countries to ratify the UN Charter on the Rights of the Child, since the
adoption of the UN Charter on the Rights of the Child, Children’s Rights Week has been celebrated every
year, with the aim of raising public awareness of children’s rights. Sumaya Khatun, Field Organizer of
Mittrika Association, said that some measures should be taken to ensure children’s education and make
their schools more central – more schools should be set up in remote areas, more facilities should be
provided for children with physical and mental disabilities, let’s all help children in their normal
development. We develop the children from their respective positions. Apart from this, the organization
is working with Dalit underprivileged community of Shyamnagar upazila on rights based awareness
meeting (Right Based Awareness meeting) for the empowerment of youth and women, protection of
human rights, development of law support and adaptation to climate change. The entire program was
conducted by Amena Khatun, program manager of the organization.

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