

. ‘ and particularly the woman in organization’s working areas are ignorant, ■. nscious or uneducated about safe, sound and healthy health practices. They are not e 1 oriented in their daily-required health education and services. Even there are no ■ rropriate and available health facilitates. As a result, the health hazard cause immature . .vh of mother and children. Health is human rights but this right is not recognized. Especially, the woman and children of poor families having a very little right to have required food and health care as much as the men have. This is happened due to ignorance, negligence, towards women, social indignity , financial disability, unequal distribution of food, lack of Knowledge about women’s health needs etc. From this thinking, Some active, honesty, dynamic and energetic persons were established the MITTRIKA by the inspired of Md. Abdus Salam who is the Director and

Founder of the organization.

Overall goal of the organization :

To build a just participatory and sustainable society in which human rights and human dignity of women, children and men are equally respected and people live responsibly in community with others and nature.

Objective of the organization :

  • To improve the health of the poor Community.
  • To ensure human rights in the society
  • To increase the literacy rate in the local and urban area.
  • To improve the pure water and Sanitation.
  • To prevent the drugs to save the young generation.
  • To establish good governance in the society.
  • To prevent the disability.

^ To manage the relief and rehabilitation program.

^ To stop the child marriage and dowry.

To alleviate the poverty among the urban and rural area.

  • To upkeep ecosystem refraining the poor people and unconscious inhabitants from environment abuses.
  • To promote potential human resources by using potential local and indigenous knowledge.
  • To prevent woman and child trafficking
  • To save the environment,

To prevent STD/HIV/AIDS.

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